
Let It Snow..

Yesterday's weather was the ultimate litmus test for all you jerk offs and fucktards...

So did EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU FUCKERS suddenly forget it rained before all that snow fell then froze over?? What? 200+ accidents with cars all over the ditch this morning does not give indication to SLOW THE FUCK DOWN??? And what's with you dicksuckers driving like crackpipe smoking baby monkeys that insist on passing everybody only to slam on the brakes because there's still traffic in front?? You're that much in a rush to GET TO WORK???


You know.. there are psychopaths that would randomly open fire in a McDonald's for a reason... Not saying I would do that kind of shit myself, but I do understand...

Markets looking to bounce from yesterday's egregious pukefest. This doesn't necessarily mean Christmas is back on...

Good Morning.

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