
Here We Fucking Go Again... AAPL

Caught some "Til Debt Do Us Part" last night with that Gail Vaz-Oxlade, Canada's rendition of Suze Orman, in between reruns of Pawn Stars and a new ep of Breaking Bad...

For the record, I don't know about these personal finance shows; there's something about solving ALL your arcane spending habits caused from your egregious meth addiction and putting too many fucking BMWs and hookers on your Mastercard, simply by living a frugal lifestyle off the nickels and dimes in glass jars and donating a couple of spare organs for some extra interest income, I just can't come to terms with...

But for some reason, I found that I couldn't look away-- I don't know if it's because I get off on watching these people with stupid-as-fuck amounts of debt willing to suck Gail Vaz-Oxlade's dick for a meager $5000 and some coupons for rock climbing; Or perhaps it's being able to peek into other people's personal lives, like some perverted child porn guy, and seeing how fucked they really are, that makes this show so appealing, almost dirty; it's very much akin to shitting out a big steamy 3-coiler or throwing up; you just have to look at it like some degenerate rubbernecker driving past an accident scene on the freeway.

And why the fuck are these personal finance gurus so fucking giddy all the time?? For once I'd like to see Gail say, "Yup, you're fucked, sorry 'bout yer luck... Now beat it!".

Anyways, $AAPL has my undivided attention this morning as it's about go on an all out gorilla run in pre-market trading... Well, isn't that just fucking lovely? Looking like another egregious gap up this morning....and that just pisses me off to no end...

Fuck me running sideways with a gay piano in a room full of homophobic Pinterest users, I just took some profits Friday... Thing is, I should know better too, having owned AAPL shares since the 'iPod is just a fucking fad' days, AAPL has always shat in the face of gay trend lines, multiple gaps, shooting stars, low volume runs, and humongous engulfing reversal candles. Happens every fucking time. And if I didn't take profits, sure as shit, it would be gapping down this morning and I'd be kicking myself for not doing so...

Don't get me wrong,  a 13% gain in less than a month is nothing to scoff at and my cocaine trees are in full bloom as I am still retardo long on AAPL shares but there's something about leaving money, any money no matter how minuscule, on the table that irks me, much more than losing money...

Yeah yeah... I do know the stupid adages:

"You never go broke taking profits"

"Don't worry about the IFs and BUTs, we are only concerned with NOW and NEXT"

Fuck you.  You see, when I'm wrong about a trade, like I was on that bitch $FB for instance, I can deal with that... I take my losses, lick my wounds and move on.. But it's when I'm right about a trade and fuck it all up with something as fucktarded as "timing" ...  now that drives me absolutely fucking insane... And, being it involves AAPL shares, amplifies the hurt even more so... 

My biggest fear now is,  not Europe falling into the ocean or China slowing or the US going into another recession, but AAPL going on one of its fucking parabolic gorilla runs... I guess what it comes down to is how Josh Brown so eloquently put it, "I hate this rally because.. I'm not long enough, sssshhh"

Parabolic Bitch

So wanna make money in stocks? BUY what I buy, but when getting in or out, wait a couple of days, you'll buy it cheaper and sell it higher...

Good Morning $$

UPDATE: AAPL is officially in runaway fad mode, chopping dicks and limbs off shorts and anyone else in its path, this morning...

Money I left on table has now surpassed Gail Vaz-Oxlade's max reward for partaking in her circus stunts on her show...

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